Episode 7: The Top Ten News Angles You Should Pitch Right Now to Land Media Features for FREE!

Uncategorized Jul 10, 2022
Liz Nable
Episode 7: The Top Ten News Angles You Should Pitch Right Now to Land Media Features for FREE!

You cannot get more practical than this blog post of Nable My Business!

There’s so much business and self-development talk out there, so many books, podcasts and courses, conferences, and summits.  But what I’ve realised since starting Nable My Business is that so many leaders and experts talk about the why, the inspiration, the challenges, and the problem, but not many actually grab you by hand and say THIS IS HOW.  This is how you do the thing, fix the problem, grow you business, make more sales.

That’s what I want to do with Nable My Business and that’s exactly the ethos behind Episode 7 of the podcast.

I’ll still bring you loads of journalists, PR people, successful entrepreneurs, courageous leaders and inspirational episodes.  But this is episode is about the doing.

Pitching the Media and building your business as an industry expert is prime for procrastination in any small business.  You’re too busy just getting through the day to day.  Dealing with supply chain issues, astronomical inflation and sick staff so no one has time for shameless self-promotion and or the budget to hire a PR team.

So today my friends, I’m taking you by the hand and giving you exactly what you need to know to get started.  We’re going to start small, but we’re going to build the foundations and you’re going to be a PR pro in no time.

So here’s 10 Fail-Proof Story Angles and Ideas You Should Pitch to the Media Right now that I know for sure they’re going to LOVE!

And the best part is you don’t even need to take notes.  Just head to my website: www.liznable.com/10newsangles and download the complete list for FREE!



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