Episode 2: Building Your Brand as an Industry Expert with Mel Browne

Uncategorized Apr 13, 2022
Liz Nable
Episode 2: Building Your Brand as an Industry Expert with Mel Browne

I've known Mel for a while now, we met in 2016 in a Business Chicks program called Power Players, designed to help small to medium business owners level up their leadership and business skills and take their growth to the next level.

Mel Browne is that one friend you have that always has their sh#t together.

Basically she's a beautifully dressed, whip smart ex-accountant, with amazing shoes who educates women about money, occasionally using Haigh’s chocolate frogs to illustrate her point. Mel is also an ex-financial advisor, now financial educator and business strategist, best-selling author and chocolate addict.

She’s not your typical money type….in fact she’s the polar opposite to the “a-typical” accountant that first comes to mind when you think about smart money management. Basically, a middle-aged bloke, wearing a suit and glasses and sitting in a high-rise office in the city. But it's Mel's "anti" stereotypical look and financial narrative that has allowed to carve out an incredible niche for herself as an industry expert.

In fact, Mel has been so successful at leveraging her profile as an industry expert, she sold her accounting business a few years ago to focus solely on educating women in finance and she’s absolutely killing it. Join me as Mel takes us through her amazing story of how she's managed to build multiple seven figure businesses and an incredible personal brand as an industry expert. And all this, while being a self-confessed introvert who hates talking on camera! Go figure.

If you want to know more about Mel and what she does, click here:

Learn More About Mel Browne

And don't forget to use this special link if you're keen to jump into her next course:

Join The Waitlist for Mel's Next Course Opening!




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