Episode 5: How COVID has Changed The Way You Should Market Your Business Forever

Uncategorized May 12, 2022
Liz Nable
Episode 5: How COVID has Changed The Way You Should Market Your Business Forever

The Top Three Things You Can Do in Digital Marketing for your small to medium business right now.

I'd like to preface this episode by saying you do not have to be an expert at digital marketing to make it work for your business. In fact, - unless that’s already your wheelhouse it’s unlikely you will be, because we all know as small business owners we are already wearing so many hats in or business every day. The goal of this episode is to highlight and breakdown a couple of the top things you can do right now to work smarter, not harder in your business. That’s the beauty of digital marketing, the potential reach to new customers – customers that 10 years ago would never have known you existed. Covid has changed so much about the way we do business and a lot of those changes are here to stay. There are pros and cons to this, on one hand it costs more than it ever has to be “seen” online on a regular basis through avenues like Facebook ads, because everyone is fighting for the same eye balls but on the other hand, it’s opened up many local and homegrown businesses to a big wide world of millions of customers they may never have had access to before. PLUS customers are more passionate than ever about supporting small and local businesses. The other piece of good news is – organic reach (ie. FREE reach) is still one of the number one ways to catch your customers eye and engage them – so we’re going to take you through what you can do for FREE and what you should pay an expert for. And that’s where the fabulous Rachel Dao comes in. Rachel specialises in Franchise networks, but don’t let that fool you – her rules of engagement apply to every single small business out there, whether you’re online, in-store or a mixture of both. We've also included Rachel’s top FREE resources available online to you to download at your leisure. So here it is: How COVID has changed the way you should market your business forever with Digital Marketing Expert, Rachel Dao. You can follow Rachel Dao here: • @lt_Network, LT Network • @rachaeldao FREE Educational Resources  • Facebook Blueprint  https://en-gb.facebook.com/business/learn • Google Skillshop https://skillshop.withgoogle.com/ • Franchise Marketing Tool + Reporting  https://digitalstack.io/


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