23: AFR CONFIDENTIAL: How to Pitch & Get Published in the Australian Financial Review with Jess Sier

Season #1

This is an episode for all those business owners out there who have a teeny tiny bit of Imposter Syndrome. If you've ever referred to your business as "just this" or "just that" or "little" or minimised your achievements or growth in any way...you don't want to miss my chat with the AFR's Jess Sier!   I don't know why, but the AFR has always seemed so, so highbrow, so unattainable somehow for the hustlers like me and the community that I serve, a revered Australian Media Institution famous not only for their incredible journalism, their dogged determination to publish trustworthy content and to always get two sides to every story but also their coverage of really amazing, aspirational, publicly listed companies and famous startups like Atlassian and Canva.   They publish headlines like The 10 Wealthiest Executives in the ASX 300 Revealed...I mean, it has always seemed to me that I (or my SME clients) had to already BE the billion dollar success story before the AFR would touch any pitch email.  I didn't think they were actively seeking the stories of SME's who were still on their way.   Turns out I was wrong and my guest in today's podcast episode, AFR Technology Reporter, Jess Sier breaks down all the reasons why.   Jess covers ASX-listed tech companies, software and internet culture for the paper, but she's also a master at disseminating cumbersome, confusing tech speak to broadcast to the masses what's important in the business and financial world, no matter where your business is at or how much revenue your company makes.   This is a fascinating episode where Jess takes us behind the scenes of the AFR, what makes news, what sorts of stories they're on the lookout for, why they LOVE small business pitches and honest and transparent founders stories and, why she's 100 times more likely to open a pitch email from you (a reader, founder or business owner) than a PR company any day.   So, if you're like me (or even if you're not) and you've always put getting featured in the Australian Financial Review in the too hard or unattainable basket, you're going to find this episode a game-changer.


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