25: Rise & Shine on Sunrise: Learn Key Lessons of LIVE TV and the simple formula for getting featured with Jasmine Kostas

Season #1

On this week's episode I'm joined by Jasmine Kostas, the Managing Editor of Channel Seven's Sunrise, Australia's top rating television morning news show for the last 19 years.  

Before joining Seven, Jasmine held roles with Today and Weekend Today as Supervising Producer and was the founding producer of the Gold Week Telethon.

Jasmine is also one of the prestigious guest experts inside the next round of the Media Masters Academy that opens later this month and I'm so thrilled she agreed to be a part of it because her experience and inside knowledge of pitching the media is invaluable!

On today's episode Jasmine shares with us all the incredible opportunities we have as founders, directors and business owners to help producers and reporters fill 3.5 hours of live television every day! 

The next 40 or so minutes are chock full of story ideas and news angles Sunrise is on the look out for everyday, tips on how to break through the noise in her inbox to get noticed (and to get your email opened!) and the best ways to get cement a spot for yourself on Sunrise's Guest Expert database! 

Yes, that's a THING!

Plus she shares her personal email address so you can pitch her directly!

So whether you're a night owl or an early bird, this is an episode worth losing sleep over.

Enjoy x



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