26: A Tale Worth Telling: Massive Media Masters Success Stories with Dimity Brassil & A Lasting Tale

Season #1

Dimity Brassil first recorded her mum’s life story in 2018. She was spurred into action following the death of both her father and sister in a relatively short period and it dawned on her one day that she would never hear their voices again.  

So, Dimity decided to sit down with her mum, Anne, and capture her voice telling her story - before it was too late.

Dimity and Anne worked together to create A Lasting Tale. Little did they know they would create a movement empowering a generation of older Australians to share their life
stories with their own loved ones.

Five years on, A Lasting Tale has evolved into a professional interview service for people with a lifetime of stories to share.   The service has 40 professional journalists recording private audio life stories for families Australia-wide. They have recorded 1,500 humble yet heroic life stories of everyday people.

A Lasting Tale now has a free mobile app and works with retirement villages, palliative care providers, libraries and community organisations.

They also run specialist life story intergenerational programs in aged care.  

Dimity is an alumni of the May Cohort of the Media Masters Academy and she has been kicking massive Media and PR Goals since she finished the course just a few months ago.  

In Dimity's own words, she came into the course knowing she had to get comfortable with self-promotion (but it felt icky and unnatural), she wasn't getting the results her business needed to grow by Meta ads alone and she knew she needed to build massive trust and credibility in her brand before people would part with such a personal purchase and invest in her business to tell a loved ones story.  

It's safe to say Dimity has done all that times 1000% and her business has exploded since finishing the course.

In the last month alone, Dimity and a Lasting Day have been featured in:

Womens Agenda  The Good Weekend (SMH, The Age, WA Today, Brisbane Times) Sunday Life (SMH, The Age, WA Today, Brisbane Times) 89 local online news services through Australian Community Media servicing regional, rural and remote Australia The Canberra  Times, The Newcastle Herald, The Illawarra Mercury (through ACM) The Land Starts at 60 online publication ABC Radio Upper Hunter ABC Radio Goulburn Murray ABC Radio Shepparton 2GB Sydney...and she's booked to do an interview on Sunday for ABC Radio Melbourne.  

Completing the Media Masters Academy course created an incredible "Aha" moment in Dimity's business journey, where she realised she never had to self-promote again to grow her business and gain valuable brand awareness, because she learned how to get the media to do that for her.  

This is Dimity's story.


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