28: Words of Wisdom: Choose Your Words Wisely and Smash Your Sales with Wordfetti's Anita Siek

Season #1

Anita Siek is not a TV producer, print journalist or magazine editor.  But she is in the business of words.  And she's really bloody good at it.  

Words that encourage people to take action, to feel something, to do something, words that produce a specific outcome...Do you know how powerful a skill like that is?  To be able to guide someone to take action, to do what you want them to do based purely on the fact that your written copy told them to.  It's crazy!  And we all need this skill in our business, like, yesterday!  

Anita Siek is a lawyer turned brand and copy strategist and CEO of Wordfetti, a strategic copywriting and brand strategy house helping brands that don't do normal, stand out and make more sales through psychology, design-thinking and words. 

Outside of Wordfetti, Anita is also the co-founder of Lenny, a digital mortgage broking business, the host of Brandfetti - a leading Marketing podcast, a speaker and she runs a high-touch Mastermind to help businesses strategically and sustainably grow and scale through unconventional business strategies.

Some of Anita's clients include Australia's largest insurer group IAG, The Calile Hotel Group, TEDx, Lack of Color and more. Her work has been featured on Forbes, Mumbrella, SmartCompany and Thrive Global.   In short, in the world of words, Anita is a bit of a celebrity and as a former journalist and writer, I'm a word geek and super-fan so this one is a bit of a love fest.     But I promise, even if words aren't your thing or writing clever copy is the thing you loathe most in business, Anita's insight is for every. body. That's the ironic thing right, by the end of this episode her words will have convinced you that the words YOU choose to use in your business are a game changer in every way.  And they are.

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