40: No CHAT GPT Responses please! How using AI to pitch the Media is guaranteed to get you blacklisted by journalists.

Season #1


Forget everything you've ever heard about AI until now and listen to this episode of the podcast carefully. In fact, take notes because this one is a game-changer.  

If you're using platforms like chatGPT, Vello, Zapier or other chatbots to pitch the media or respond to callouts from services like Sourcebottle, stop right now.   

You're burning your bridges with the media, before you've even built them, and on a one way street to getting blacklisted, fast.   Despite what you may have been told, when it comes to pitching the media and generating great free PR - AI produced content is not a time saver at all.    

In fact, according to well respected journalists from all over Australia and the world, it's actually a waste of time.  Their time...and they've had enough.   

My guest today is Bec Derrington, the founder of Journo and Guest expert match making service, Sourcebottle and a PR Guru with more than a decade of experience in the industry and we're discussing the dangers of AI responses and why, just like your social media feed, more and more the media want to hear from the real YOU, not a robot.  

Plus how a simple, conversational pitch that gives a unique POV, conveys a strong opinion and shows lived experience is far more likely to get picked up by the media than any generic chatGPT dupe.  

You can sign up for Sourcebottle for FREE here: https://www.sourcebottle.com/  

Grab yourself a spot on the waitlist for the final round of the Media Masters Academy for 2024 here: https://www.liznable.com/mediamastersacademy  


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